In this episode of Not Every Woman , Saba Sahar of SSphotogrophy opens up courageously about her personal and professional struggles of being in a male dominant field. According to her her entry to this field was not easy, manifold members of her family did not consider it a safe or noble profession for females specially due to the late working hours where mehndi or baraat functions last till Fajar azaans. She opened up how she had to take the financial responsibility at the very young age. From switching teaching profession to being a photographer now, she is living her dream. She enjoys fashion shoots along with Couples wedding photoshoots that is an integral part of our wedding culture now. Podcast also discusses the main dillema that celebrities are facing now a days where photographers tend to share their personal pictures of events on their pages before the celebrity officially announces anything. How unethical is it on photographers end has been discussed in this podcast. How male photographers are making this field even more difficult for females has also been discussed in reference to what Photographer Izzah Shaheen had to face Vs photographer Irfan Ahson. Host : Marriam Kaiwan Guest : Saba Sahar
Story of Personal & Professional Struggles | Saba Sahar | Photography | Not Every Woman | Epi #13
By Tariq Ali